Pretty hectic schedule but I'm hanging on and doin' fine... I find myself a lot more focused/determined then I was for the last two years. Lets see how long it lasts... haha!
...oh and I'm listening to this, I'm really diggin' dnb right now
See, for those of you who are friends and family of mine from Home, CFR, and CW Know about this lil story, if you will, a lil situation that quite literally drove upon us not to long ago. If you don't know what I'm talking about here goes.
Not too long ago a bunch of friends of mine were at streets doing their usual thing... chillin, talkin, hangin out... I'm at home, like usual [ fail :( ] ... I get a call from my bro... He tells me he saw a car with a design I made for my lil group of friends... and it said rolling bomber... I'm like "whhattttt?? yeahhh riighhhttt..." and he says "yeah bro its ur design"... I'm like "whatever, it prolly wasnt" and thinkin its prolly something similar or somethin like that...
We end our conversation and hang-up on each other...
...hmmm... a couple weeks pass and guess what happens??? Jamo (my bro) or Phil finds a mother fucker who has one of the stickers, on his myspace. I'm like "WHAT!?!? SERIOUSLY!?!? WTF!?!?" hahahaha... wow...
Done in Illustrator with a touchpad laptop... shit took forever... hahaha ...Could use a lil work but whatever shits dope for being done with a touchpad... haha
I just began working on a piece for Chob!! This is the first time I've ever worked on canvas... I hope it goes smoothly and with no surprises... still working out the composition and still need clarification on colors. I've also gotsta add the "3rd dimension!!" ...hahaha. But, I'd have to say, so far its looking rather ...dope.
peep the scenario... 24"x48" canvas
hope you like it so far... It also works as a horizontal piece as well.
BTW the stickers came out dope, gotta send phil his later on this week. should have made more chrome orange such an awesome color. Picked up the five lug and the lug nuts the wheels come in next week. Cant wait.
I've been inspired by people starting their own car crews/sick limited edition JDM stickies/Those Risky Devilsss/just people making cool stickers in general. So I made my own sticker design yesterday. I belive i may have some changes to make... TF dave said soooo *tear* ...its ok it shall be MADE!!
I think it feels hella flush JDM beat up boro car rear driver side window limited edition spec and or hood or dash spec too. The only ones to rock it will be lil phil, jamo, and I. FOR SUMMER '06 SAKE!!!
Jamo's laptop is in good hands ...seeing that its running again, all I gotta do now is resauder the power connection and it should be just like new. This was free, jamo just handed it over after it pooped-out...well excluding the new hard drive and DVD writer... this thing is pretty quick 2ghz AMD athlon wit 512mb of ram too... not bad sound and graphics card either.
Gotta keep that desktop oh so fresh and so clean... what does el tres elles have on da background skizim, you ask??
PSHHHH I'm Rocking Rauh Welt. ooooooohhhhh myyy... too rowdy? I think not...peace out must sleep, soo tired
Check out this awesome collaboration video of some very talented graffiti artists. I love these kinds of videos because you can see the process they go through.
If I was anywhere near this good I'd be fucking ecstatic, gotta keep writing... must get betterrrr...
let summer time begin!! I finished my projects, papers, and presentations all on time and, I believe, I might be getting very good grades this semester. Can't wait to get my grades. Can't wait to get my car together (goodiessss). Can't wait to just chill, relax, and have a good time over this summer with the friends, the famsss, and the whateverrrsss. kick off my summer blogness, I bring you ...Will Smith - Summertime
For those of you that dont know I am a studying artist. Like many people with dreams, aspirations, and the like I too have people that I look up to in the art community that I'd like to show respect to... Dont quote me on this, but it seems to me that there are way less women in my art "community" here are some women that inspire me, women that show tremendous skill in what they do... doin' it up, showin' em up, and wreckin' the scene.
Audrey Kawasaki: weapon of choice - oil on wood
Stina Persson: weapon of choice - watercolor
Best for last is Aya Kato: weapon of choice - print-work and textiles
Don't you love that feeling you get when you're listening to a song and everything surrounding you moves along with the beat? I fucking love that feeling!!
This video just makes me happy. Directed by Michael Gondry, its a brilliant piece of cinematography. If you get a chance watch the "making of..." video...
One of my heroes... For all you kanjo heads, just replace graffiti with kanjo when he says, without his mask hes just another guy but with the mask hes neckface...
found a new form of dance today. I don't really know what to think. Some of it looks fucking awesome, but some looks like their vogue-ing and looks super gay, hah!! Supposedly its not known to be among the gay subculture though. It originated in France and looks like a mixture between housing, glowsticking and popping and locking.
I'd much rather learn how to do this, so sick!! Awesome peace of choreography, U-min too sick.
I admit, I write and enjoy doing it. I've been a writer for some time now... I don't do it all the time, when the time is right, thats when I take action. I'm addicted. I know the consequences of writing and I agree that it should be illegal, for reasons that I don't really want to get into. For all you other writers out there that think I'm a "toy" for thinking so, think what you will I have my reasons. If you want to know, ask. GRL for those who don't know (Graffiti Research Lab) has come up with an ingenious way to write legally ...sorta ...anyway its just a matter of time before they make this illegal. But the thing is, this is in no way permanent. Who would want to get rid of these things anyway? They're awesome!!
These guys are on the more political side of graf and do many things to stop "true graffiti." They target advertisements, pretty much everything that you have no choice in whether you see it or not. Not meaning TV commercials or magazine ads, you have a choice if you want to see those or not. More like large billboards and what have you.
I showed my dad the vid, I guess he liked it, he went out to grab some groceries and brought back some unexpected goodies ...lil leds, lil batteries, and lil magnets.
heres my version. click it... it blinks.
...Awesome! You can throw them a some distance and it'll still stick.
A couple of my friends got me into screen printing, Ive found a place where I can buy the supplies and will soon begin my own screen printing endeavors... stayed tuned for updates on what I do...
lol. I found some blank templates online for the Nike low and high top dunks and also an Airmax template too. Soooooo, cool. Tym got the first pair of "3Ls 100% A.Okay Super Crazy Custom Nike Especial!!!" But I deleted the file, so I cant show it to you... buuuuuuuut. I got these. enjoi
the pattern was made from my crest... crazy repeation style I call these "Wicks."
These airmax would be soooo dope. I call these "Litehouses."
fun. stay tuned for more. ...If you want and have Photoshop hit me up.